Divine Purpose Alignment with the Angels

Starting September 11th, 2022!


“The angels are inviting you to be in a deep, close relationship with them ushering in wisdom, love & trust. Bridging the gap to expansion and growth. Bringing everything together into true Divine alignment. You are meant to live your purpose and they want to facilitate the healings necessary to connect you to your Divine truth.

Our journey to be on this earth separated us from the conscious knowledge of who we truly are. We have layers of negative karma, beliefs, false teachings, & trauma separating us from Source/Creator/God. The journey back to our Divine Purpose is often a winding and difficult path and the Angels wish to make this happen with ease. They want to support you as you navigate home to self. This healing happens in layers and they pray you will know that they are here to support, guide and love you into alignment. May this be your first step into connection back to self.” - Channeled Message from the Divine Angel Council via Monique England & Sara Gasch

Please join Monique England and Sara Gasch for a 5 week Alignment Workshop in which they channel the angels and bring forward wisdom teachings, clearings & specific alignment & connection meditations."

Duration: | 5 Weeks With Lifetime Access
Prerequisites: | none

  • Each week will be forcused on a differentt Archangel to include:
    • Uriel / Truth & Wisdom, Clearing False Identity
    • Michael / Faith, Protection & Trust
    • Metatron / Wisdom, Balance & Wholeness
    • Jophiel / Communication & Expression
    • Gadiel /Freedom & Expansion
  • This is an experiential workshop which includes a workbook with target journaling questions to facilitate clearing of your blocks & aligning you to your true intentions & goals.
    • This is a springboard into your purpose, a launching point to release you from whatever is holding you back and helping to launch you into your higher purpose.
    • 5 week alignment workshop.
    • Sunday’s from 6pm to 8pm via Google Meet
    • September 11 - Oct 9
    • Cost: $333
  • The workshop is evergreen, all healings, meditations & alignments can be relistened to for continued support. As such you will receive a copy of all recordings.

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